#include <stdio.h>

#define REG_HAM             2000
#define  COKE                          1000
#define MAX_ITEM             2

             int             flag;                                       /* flag for scanf */
             int             processing;                 /* 1 for processing, 0 for end of processing */
             int             item_code;                   /* for menu item code */
             int             number;                                     /* the number of item */

             int             no_of_item1;                 /* for one customer */
             int             no_of_item2;

             int             sub_total;                      /* subtotal */
             int             personal_total;                          /* total price for one customer */

             /* init process */
             flag = 1;
             processing = 1;
             no_of_item1 = 0;
             no_of_item2 = 0;
             personal_total = 0;

             while (flag == 1 && processing == 1) {

                          /* print out the menu */
                          printf("\n* 1. Regular hamburger %15d *", REG_HAM);
                          printf("\n* 2. Coke              %15d *", COKE);

                          printf("\n Enter the item code (0 for quit) : ");
                          flag = scanf("%d", &item_code);

                          if (flag == 1) {
                                       if ((item_code > 0) && (item_code < MAX_ITEM + 1)) {
                                                    printf(" Enter the number : ");
                                                    flag = scanf("%d", &number);

                                                    if (flag == 1) {
                                                                 if ((item_code == 1) && (no_of_item1 + number >= 0)) {
                                                                              no_of_item1 = no_of_item1 + number;
                                                                 else if ((item_code == 2) && (no_of_item2+number >=0)) {
                                                                              no_of_item2 = no_of_item2 + number;
                                                                 else {
                                                                              printf("\n Error --- Check the number !!\n");
                                                    else {
                                                                 processing = 0;
                                       else if (item_code == 0) {
                                                    processing = 0;
                                       else {
                                                    printf("\n Error --- Check the item code !!\n");
                          else {
                                       processing = 0;

             } /* while - for one customer */

             if (no_of_item1 + no_of_item2)             {


                          if (no_of_item1 > 0) {
                                       sub_total = no_of_item1 * REG_HAM;
                                       personal_total = personal_total + sub_total;

                                       printf("\n Regular Hamberger : %2d %14d", no_of_item1, sub_total);
                          if (no_of_item2 > 0) {
                                       sub_total = no_of_item2 * COKE;
                                       personal_total = personal_total + sub_total;

                                       printf("\n Coke :              %2d %14d", no_of_item2, sub_total);
                          printf("\n TOTAL: %30d\n", personal_total);
             } /* print a result */
